ClubFace Golf's philosophy is to produce the simplest and most effective golf swing training aids and equipment, along with thorough educational material for the world of golf. Our Golf Improvement Mission is to help every golfer learn about the position of the clubface and its effect on the golf swing and the flight of the ball. For it is through control of the clubface throughout the entire swing, that you can improve your golf swing, reach your full potential and really begin to enjoy the game of golf.

As Dave's golf improvement teaching philosophy developed he realized that the "true" secret of the golf swing is the clubface and the ability of the golfer to control it throughout the entire golf swing. The majority of golfers in the world do not have a good understanding of the clubface position throughout the swing. Dave made the clubface position throughout the entire golf swing the centerpiece of his professional golf improvement instruction, which resulted in his students achieving greater success much more quickly.
From these experiences Dave invented and patented specialized golf training equipment, including the ClubFace Golf Swing Trainer and the ClubFace Golf Grip. The ClubFace Swing Trainer is a weighted golf club training aid that teaches the golfer to understand and correct the position of the clubface at any point in the golf swing, while helping stretch, strengthen and develop a player's golf muscles. With the use of our golf training club which features a large, multi-colored clubface orientation aid, the player can see whether the clubface is square, open or closed. The color coordinated grip on our golf training equipment teaches the player the relationship between the placement of the hands on the grip to the position of the clubface throughout the swing.
As Dave was developing his golf improvement swing trainer, he began to watch many average golfers warm up and practice with some of the world's most popular weighted and speed swing trainers and golf training equipment. He would watch most golfers swing these trainers with an excessively open or closed clubface position. He noticed that when a golfer practices a slice clubface position throughout the golf swing other golf training equipment, then it would simply further ingrain this slice producing clubface position, actually increasing the amount of slice spin put on the ball. But when a slicer worked with the ClubFace Swing Trainer for just 5 minutes, they began to place their hands on the club in a "perfectly neutral" position and they began to swing the club with a "perfectly square" clubface throughout the entire golf swing, the way the world's best golfers do. They began to do it perfectly every time, without Dave watching. And because of ClubFace Golf's color coded system, the golfer began to understand the grip-to-clubface position-to ball flight relationship on their own. The results were amazing, but yet fast and easy.

Steve Egbert has been a member of the Professional Golfers Association for 18 years working as a teaching professional at Fullerton G.C. in Fullerton, California and Shorecliff's Golf Club in San Clemente, Ca.
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