To begin using the
ClubFace Golf Swing Trainer, first set your grip on the golf club. The grip is your only connection with the golf club and owning the correct grip generates power and control in the swing. Start by taking the ClubFace Golf Swing Trainer and place your left thumb on the
YELLOW section of the grip, also placing the golf club more in the fingers than your palm. Then place your right hand on the grip and take your normal golf stance.

Taking your normal stance at address, you should be able to see the knuckles of your left index and middle fingers and a "V" is formed by your thumb and forefinger. The "V" should be pointed back toward your right shoulder.

Now, with the proper grip, you can begin swinging the ClubFace Golf Swing Trainer. You should see the
YELLOW side (indicating a square clubface) of the orientation aid when you look at the swing trainer in the positions of the swing listed below. If the color is not
YELLOW, you need to adjust the angle of the clubface until it is square.
• Address
• Takeaway (club parallel to the ground)
• Halfway back in the swing (left arm parallel to the ground)
• Top of the swing
• First half of the downswing (left arm parallel to the ground)

As you penetrate the hitting area in the approach, release the golf club by rolling the clubface over and carry this through the finish of the golf swing. When done properly, the
GREEN side of the orientation aid will be visible and you will know you have completed a solid golf swing.

Repeat the swing and watch to ensure the proper color is visible at the key points in your golf swing. Once the flow of your swing is set you can work to increase your golf swing speed, using the ClubFace Golf Swing Trainer to keep the clubface in its proper square position.
It's an wonderful and useful post to know several details about the club face golf swing trainer. There are some golf swing trainers that spotlights on the appropriate position or body steadiness. Usually, this kind of golf trainer necessitates people to wear a coat or a body jacket that forces the arms, shoulders and the whole upper body to work simultaneously in one even motion.